Share Your World – May 7, 2018
If you were given $22 million tax-free dollars (any currency), what is the first thing you would do?
Same as last time. Pay off the house. Possibly knock it down and build one more suitable to our needs.

Help out my friends and family who need it. Take a really lovely vacation for which someone other than me makes ALL the arrangements.
Hire a cook and people to clean the house. Get my hair cut by someone who won’t scalp me. Get more Bomba socks!
In what do you find the simplest of joys?
Pretty much all my joys are simple. I’m not sure what a complicated joy would be.
I’m just happy when all the bills are paid and nothing is broken or breaking down.
What would be your ideal birthday present, and why?
I want that vacation, but I want someone else to take care of it. ALL of it. Reservations. Tickets.
Literally everything from leaving home to returning. I don’t want to worry about money or travel connections or whether or not they will let me have a bottle of shampoo on my flight.

Usually, when all is said and done, this means staying home.
What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?
This was not a very smiley week. I was grateful to finally have normal weather and some sunshine.
A flower or two would have been grand, but the leaves are coming out, so if we aren’t bright with color, at least we are green. Each time I look out the window, I see the leaves have gotten bigger. Spring is happening in a huge hurry, trying I think to make up for all that lost time!
Happy birthday, Owen!